Robert Shupe

Director / Writer / Editor

Robert Shupe is a filmmaker and media production professional who has worked in numerous areas of the film/video field for over 15 years. He was born and raised near Helena, Montana, and after completing high school he relocated to Nevada to attend film school at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (where he studied with both Mike and Jerry Thompson). After graduating with a BA in Film Studies, he spent time in Los Angeles working in post production, first at SDI Media, where he specialized in digital cinema subtitle deliveries for theatrical releases. He then transitioned into digital cinema mastering at Technicolor Burbank. Robert moved back to Las Vegas in 2015, where he rejoined his longtime friends Mike and Jerry (and technically Scott) at Light Forge Studios. Robert also pursues his passion for filmmaking in his spare time, having written, produced, and directed numerous short films and two feature films.